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I Was There Too: Melanie Birch

I Was There Too is a series of conversations I am having with other medical moms and photographers who are telling stories of life for families with medical complexities. Meet Melanie Birch and her daughter, Ella. I originally met Melanie through a Facebook group for medical parents in the Bow Valley even before we officiallyContinue reading “I Was There Too: Melanie Birch”

21 Weeks: Stories & Advocacy

As a storytelling photographer, it is my goal to make documentary family photography accessible for all medical, special needs, and palliative families. As an educator, medical mom and advocate, my goal is to offer my voice to those working to ensure our government is providing ALL families with appropriate access to education and healthcare. PerhapsContinue reading “21 Weeks: Stories & Advocacy”

Personal Project: Corona Stories

We’ve been physical distancing for a month and a half now. Some days feel routine. Some days make my skin crawl. Some days my eyes are open to the details around me. Some days I’m just struggling to find things to be grateful for. But this is where I am at right now and IContinue reading “Personal Project: Corona Stories”

21 Weeks: Corona Documentary Photography

Since beginning the 21 Weeks photography project with Melanie and Ella in January, our world has changed. We are physically distancing to stay safe. Many people have lost their jobs or have transitioned to working from home. Kids are also at home, ALL THE TIME, with school staff working to support them through online teachingContinue reading “21 Weeks: Corona Documentary Photography”

21 Weeks: Caregiver Documentary Photography

And just like that our world changed. Some of you are caring for family members in isolation, many are suddenly working from home with kids underfoot, many more have been laid off and are uncertain of what the future holds, others are on the front lines in healthcare roles and essential services working everyday toContinue reading “21 Weeks: Caregiver Documentary Photography”

Clinic Day: Hospital Documentary Photography

The stories of medical families often mirror any given family, on any given day. Other times their stories look nothing like the average family. As a photographer, it is my goal to make documentary family photography accessible for all medical, special needs, and palliative families. It’s important that families facing challenges, particularly the caregivers, toContinue reading “Clinic Day: Hospital Documentary Photography”

21 Weeks: Family Documentary Photography

The stories of medical families are filled with both moments of pain and moments of joy. As a photographer, it is my goal to make documentary family photography accessible for all medical and palliative families. The 21 Weeks photography project tells the beautiful story of one resilient family through the eyes of a mother andContinue reading “21 Weeks: Family Documentary Photography”